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How to identify the quality of high-speed machine is good or bad?

From:本站Click rate:2327Publication time:2017-05-23SmallSecondaryBig

The quality of high-speed machine how this is a lot of customers are worried and asked things, we live in mobile phones and tablet keys and lens ring, case, small mold, need to use high-speed machine to complete, high-speed machine quality is good or bad Decided to produce the product life, how to identify the quality of high-speed machine is good or bad?
High speed machine
Identify high-speed machine quality methods:
The same time as the above-
First, look at the strength of high-speed machine manufacturers, there is no one product can be 100% guarantee no problem, but a problem after the quality of the service is reflected, if the after-sales service is not in place is likely to cause the business Funds broken down or seriously affect the normal operation of the business.
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Second, look at the speed of high-speed machine: Requires preset bit rate to emphasize fast, manual control rate emphasizes smooth, control active agility, not too fast, can not blunt, support speed. If it is not good high-speed machine in the manual control, in the zoom or control the rotation will appear when the image of a card, the change is not smooth. These are ordinary manufacturers difficult to achieve the effect.
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Third, look at the work, mainly to see the structure and shape of the machine itself, as well as some details, such as steel welding is not smooth, clean, seamless, because the high speed machine internal material movement speed, pressure, if there is a gap Resulting in the gap becomes larger, so that the high-speed machine life shortened.
The same time as the above-
How to identify the quality of high-speed machine today to share this, the value of high-speed machine is equal with the quality, the better the quality of life is longer, we choose good quality high-speed machine do not greedy small and buy bad product.